Sound good... So when we gonna try the trail?... wait a minute... its taken 1 day journey o kan..hemm.. need better arrangement o..hehe
keep on update bro..
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sugud MTB Fazz Boy Trail....(Planning)
HI Fren and trail will be at sugud land....please check all gears, crank, fork and BRAKES exspecially!!!!!.....80% of this journey are extremely danger and will make u like a shit....
Starting Point and check point willl be at The Peak then...hardcore downhill section...but up to 3th junction will be uphill again for extremely speed downhill at killer downhill...will be test you bike and mind to control your bike....killer downhill shown at 3-D view attachment....
The last points will be at Jalan lama kinarut bridge.. i also no idea where it is.....
Please Note: Bikers....update and check all your Gear......see you all at SUGUD MTB trail..
by...Fazz Boy
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tamalang Silou CrossCountry 28 march 2009
Hello2... here we are again..hehe.. last saturday kita orang pegi corsscountry sana 1st trail, actualy 1st kita orang mau naik pegi kasih sayang resort d kionsom..tap tinggi e22..mati separuh jalan sudah giveup. so last2 kita orang balik lor p 1st trail..hehe..
but this time kami naik dari tamalang silou than kluar d kitobu.. short distance but enjoy ride..
some road are advanture too..
but this time kami naik dari tamalang silou than kluar d kitobu.. short distance but enjoy ride..
some road are advanture too..
Kionsom waterfall entrance.. we park our car here.. byk cewek lg tuu that time..hehe
Control hensom tuu c mike..hehe
Setting apa2 yang patut..jln tiada brek lg oo..hehe
Ni la jalan mau p kasih sayang resort..imagine la mau tolak basikal 5.2km naik saja.
I think its around 50-60 degree la.. ni pun baru 200m from junction.
Little waterfall..
Pancit tuu..haha.. tgk org la ble p ambil gambar lagi...hehehe
Likas view from tamalang silou
Tinggi tu weii... kalau jatuh b'guling syok juga 2.hehe
Cuci mata ooo....kalau malam p tgk earth hour ni baru ngam..haha
1 Borneo can see also from here...
Penat ka posing tuu...muahahaa
Ni d puncak suda ni...kita orang relax bagi nafas balik.. ada tasuh byk oo sana..
Ni masuk hutan sudah nii.. c mike posing sama suspension fork baru dia. SPLICE GIRLS muahahahahaaa......
nda tau knapa nii... ada pacat kali...
Mike & weldy crosscountry tamalang silau-kitobu 2009
My 1st downhill Accident
keep on update bro...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
2nd Hand Fork (Manitou Splice Super 05)
Lettest news from KCC
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
On the way nii pii tamparuli,lambat suda ni time. P pasang c wel p'ya tayar lagi. hins2 sudah tu..
Kita org di starting point, simpang TOGOD,tapi signboard 2 mcm kg TOMIS ja..Everyone setting up apa2 yang patut. Time ni laa break pad c wel t'cabut tuu...memang nda ble sudah tap malar ok saja tau..hehe
1st mangsa accident nii.. nasib teror la p sliding di rumput..hehe
Ngam ka nii 45digree?? or lebih lagi ka tuu.. panjang lg turun nii.. disk break pun no use ba. hangus tuu tau..
Mike.. kira mangsa yang terselamat la... oyah me too hehe.. tap sikit lagi juga oo,nasib la ada teror sikit handle..DONT PANIC..hehe
Uinah... see..tinggi ba tuu..
Uinah... see..tinggi ba tuu..
Adeh... ni la member kita yang paling parah.. kira teror juga la, brani turun pakai 1 break blakang saja....PANIC tuu tau...
Zoom Sexy drumstick...muahahahaha
Luckly basikal minor damage ja..krusi tercabut la..
This time we decide to carry on ja. but we almost cancel juga oo, tap alang2 tu tau.. but c wel kena surrender laa.
Some of nice view... dorang tuu posing saja tuu.
pura2 kunu candid...hehe
Yehaaa..kita orang sampai dii kg.nda tau apa nama.
kira 70% of our journey la.. panat eh..
Take rest jap..setting apa2 yang patut..kira 70% of our journey la.. panat eh.. baru muka sa kluar tau.. malar korang ja dari tad..huh..
HUYOOO...kita org sempat berendam lagi tau.. kena lalu sungai lagi tuu..
Hehe..posing lagi.. ba
Buli-buli dorang p kuntik anak org kg. niii mati.. kalau bapa drng nampak...
Hehe..mana ble korang p'ya pic saja ada..Luckly la ada c athur
ble tlg ambil.. jambatan gantung tuu...
Yeeehaa..kita orang sampai suda di luar...entah kg apa nama..nice view.
Ni...ada hantu tlg ambil gambar..
Crosscountry baa.. siap main angkat2 lagi.. baru la real..
bagi yang tdk berjaya..sila cuba lagi di hari yang lain...hehe
FINALY...we arrive to our finish point.
Buli juga la.. ni basikal. sampai juga..
Time 2 cuci2 & lap2 la.. basah2 kasi masuk
rumah kena tiaw kita mama c mike.hehe
rumah kena tiaw kita mama c mike.hehe
SPECIALIZED nii..hemmm..bayk mau service oo..
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